Thursday, January 5, 2012

United States Merchant Marine Academy Begins Strategic Planning Process

MARAD 01-12
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

WASHINGTON – The United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) today began work on a comprehensive strategic plan that will develop long-term objectives and institutional goals.  The USMMA will undergo its next accreditation evaluation in 2016 and a core requirement of American higher education accreditation is that an academic institution has a current strategic plan. 
“The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy is one of my top priorities,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.  “This plan will provide a road map to help us better prioritize investments and help the Academy provide a first class education for all Kings Point midshipmen.”
The strategic planning process will be led by USMMA Acting Superintendent Shashi Kumar.  During the first part of this multi-phased effort, the Academy will work with the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center in Cambridge, MA to lay out a formal planning process.  Over the next few weeks, Volpe staff members will work with key internal stakeholders to identify the range of issues and critical questions that should be addressed in the strategic plan. 
After a formal approach is finalized, the Academy led team will begin a comprehensive outreach effort to the maritime industry and other stakeholders to ensure the Academy’s strategic plan addresses the Academy’s statutory mission, the needs of the maritime industry, and American higher education accreditation expectations. 
“This plan will provide the strategic vision for the Academy and strengthen our ability to attract a talented and diverse student body to serve the maritime needs of the nation” said USMMA Interim Superintendent Shashi Kumar. 
The Mission of the United States Merchant Marine Academy is to graduate Merchant Marine officers and leaders of honor and integrity who serve the maritime industry and Armed Forces and contribute to the economic, defense and homeland security interests of the United States.
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